
AdDeals Summer Challenge for Windows Phone developers!
Earn up to thousands dollars value in AdDeals advertising campaigns by simply integrating great tools in your apps in 15 min

1/ Register or login here.

2/ Add your Windows Phone app.

3/ Download AdDeals SDK v2.1+

4/ Integrate AdDeals Wall on your app bar or main menus + Square Ads in your app in just 15 min and:

Reach 30,000 Square ads displays before August 15th to earn 10,000 FREE AdDeals Wall displays
(Equivalent to 300,000 FREE banner displays)
Reach 100,000 Square ads displays before August 15th to earn 20,000 FREE AdDeals Wall displays
(Equivalent to 600,000 FREE banner displays)
Reach 300,000 Square ads displays before August 15th to earn 60,000 FREE AdDeals Wall displays
(Equivalent to 1.2 Million FREE banner displays)
Reach 1,000,000 Square ads displays before August 15th to earn 250,000 FREE AdDeals Wall displays
(Equivalent to 5 Million FREE banner displays)

EXTRA BONUS: Skin Square to your app/game look & feel prior to August 15th, you will receive an extra 10,000 FREE displays if you reach one of the goals above!

Rules & Eligibility:

All apps even those that already integrated Square are eligible for this challenge as soon as they comply with the conditions below:
- Only apps at least available and usable in one of the following languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French, German are eligible for those offers.
- Only Square ad displays generated between July 1st 2014 & August 15th 2014 included will be counted.
- We will verify that both AdDeals Wall & AdDeals Square are integrated in your app and how the ads are integrated between August 16th and August 31st to credit your account with your Summer BONUS, then we will notify you and your free displays will be consumed progressively on AdDeals. You can also ask us to pre-validate your integration as soon as your app is live so we can test it.
- Bonus are not cumulative. Only the result on August 15th matters and its corresponding bonus.
- This challenge is opened to all Windows Phone app publishers, worldwide.

View your real-time stats / app for this challenge and don't forget to integrate AdDeals Wall also to be eligible:

Go to: Promotional tools page(once registered or logged-in on AdDeals) to access your real time number of displays / application and see if you reach the challenge goals!

AdDeals Square: Hybrid unique fully customizable ad format that boosts your IAP sales & ad revenues, with both free cross-promotion & monetization. You can also freely enable/disable full screen ads to only keep Square ads!

AdDeals Wall: the most efficient offer wall ad format, native and non-intrusive with both free cross-promotion & monetization.